Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Mystical anarchism, as conceptualized by Alnoor Ladha, embodies a synergistic blend of spiritual enlightenment and radical political philosophy. It lays out a blueprint where the inner transformation of an individual, driven by mystical experiences and contemplative practices, intersects with an external commitment to social justice and anti-authoritarianism. Ladha sees this paradigm as an avenue to transcend the egoic self, fostering a collective consciousness that naturally disavows hierarchical structures and coercive power. This convergence aims to cultivate a universe rooted in empathy, interconnectedness, and mutual aid, proposing that true liberation is a journey both inward and outward. Mystical anarchism, therefore, is not merely a reaction against tyranny but also a visionary approach to holistic freedom and communal harmony.

See also: kali yuga, non-dualistic thought, spiritual work, sufi tradition, mystical tradition

Alnoor Ladha - Mystical Anarchism: A Spiritual Biography 2,455

Alnoor Ladha on Post-Capitalism, Mystical Anarchism And Solidarity - E123 153